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Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book features a page that reads, "Unmanageable: I don't want to. And you can't make me" underneath a defiant-looking brown and white bulldog puppy
A golden retriever wearing a blue collared shirt sits at a desk with a Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book and laptop
Examples of moods from the Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book: Competitive, Spontaneous, Gifted, Ecstatic, Innocent, Professional, Validated, Over It, and Frazzled
Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book features a page that reads, "Unfazed: I'm on a mental vacation. Destination: Who cares?" underneath an image of a Welsh Corgi puppy wearing a sombrero and green heart-shaped sunglasses in front of palm fronds
Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book packaging depicts a white chihuahua puppy positioned among stacks of books

Daily Doggo Desktop Flip Book


What’s up, dog? Display your disposition with Daily Doggo—the ultimutt desktop accessory. Each flip chart features 48 cute canines paired with expressive moods and clever quips so you’re never at a loss to describe how you feel. Rated G! No curse words.